Discover how YOUR INTUITION can guide you in making sound financial decisions, help you embrace your dreams and live your life for YOU.

Intuitive Connections… A Five Step Process to Embrace Your Intuition…
By Sandra Couts MSN, RN

Intuition is something everyone has. Some people call it a “gut instinct”. Others call it a “certain sense”. Intuition is the direct knowing or learning of something without the conscious use of reason.

Whether acting on gut instinct, responding to an unexplainable feeling or listening to an inner voice, you have likely relied on your intuition to guide you at some point or another in your life. Through practice and knowledge of specific techniques you can learn how to use your intuition on command rather than by accident.

Your intuition can provide practical answers to challenging decisions. Is this the right time to end a relationship? How would you benefit from a career change? Ought you embrace an opportunity to relocate?

For some, their intuition provides a spiritual perspective. A bridge from doubt and fear to a continuous feeling of well-being. Still there are others who use their intuition to make split-second decisions – saving themselves or their loved ones from serious injury – even death.

Regardless of how it presents itself, intuition is one of the most powerful tools available to every human being. Your imagination is the limit on what you can accomplish if you utilize its full potential!

In her experience based book, Intuitive Connections…A Five Step Process to Embrace Your Intuition, intuitive Sandra Couts MSN, RN provides the useful advice and practical suggestions you need to transform your life by using your intuition.

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`Sandra Couts wrote this book to help you connect with your intuition in a way that makes sense and empowers you. Her varied experiences in her nursing career and as an intuitive counselor have shown her the importance of sharing this information with others, like you.

She believes that there is more to life than pain and struggle. No one has to be a prisoner of their circumstances. Learning to use your own intuition is the key to unblocking many of the obstacles life throws your way. Sandra has seen first hand how using your intuition can be one of the strongest, most effective tools for both her self and others.

Let yourself be surprised at the positive and happy results you can experience by learning to trust and use your intuition.

A must read for novices, skilled intuitives and skeptics alike, Intuitive Connections, will broaden the depth of your knowledge, help you develop your innate intuitive ability and leave you with a sense of inner peace and accomplishment.

By reading Intuitive Connections you will discover how to:

  • Trust YOUR inner guidance
  • Recognize YOUR intuitive voice
  • Make the best decisions for YOU
  • Use your physical body as an intuitive tool
  • Take part in simple daily exercises that supports the development of your intuition
  • Journal to strengthen your intuitiveness
  • Gain a deeper understanding of where your intuition fits into your life
  • Expand and change your consciousness that supports you in living your dreams
  • And much more….

When you purchase the book you will receive…..

  • Specific tools to connect you to your intuition
  • Examples of how others use their intuition in their every day lives
  • A unique five step plan that shows you how to integrate your intuition in your  life on a consistent basis
  • Answers to your questions about being intuitive

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"I just love INTUITIVE CONNECTIONS. This book is straightforward and provides simple yet powerful exercises that over time have brought me to a deeper connection with my own intuition and a new level of trust and understanding of myself, people in my life, and the world in general. I recommend this book to people just beginning the journey of developing their intuition and those who are very familiar with it because it is an innovative yet very down – to – earth approach." A.M.

“Sandra is a master at knowing how to use her intuition to assist people in making life choices and helping them to access their own intuitive nudges. This book will make a world of difference in your life.” R.W.

“From her opening paragraph Sandra Couts captures your attention in her book INTUITIVE CONNECTIONS. Simple, step by step exercises, accompanied by real life examples, propel you to reunite with your full potential and live your life from a place of acceptance, balance and joy.” V.P.

“Sandra Couts’ INTUITIVE CONNECTIONS has helped me connect with my intuition in ways I didn’t know I could. Easy and effortless, her step - by - step plan has taught me how to listen to myself, trust myself, and feel an inner peace I have never before achieved. Thank YOU Sandra!” K.R.


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Origo Books
49 Lower Jarvis St.
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